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13 years ago
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13 years ago

...Blessing U Happiness Always...


13 years ago
13 years ago
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13 years ago

13 years ago

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Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
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13 years ago

...Have a Peaceful Day...


13 years ago
مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت
13 years ago

...Have a Beautiful Day...

...Wishing U Happiness Always...


13 years ago

...Good Night...

...Lovely Dream...

13 years ago
Free Image Hosting Friends Pics Funny Pics

Friends Pictures Upload Photos Friends Pics

13 years ago

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13 years ago

...Blessing U...

...Have a Happiness Always...


13 years ago

Good Morning | Good Morning | Forward this Picture
• If someone sends signs that they want to speak to you,
then put in some effort to make it happen see if they like you!!
if so then put in some more efforts see if they like you more ...

• cases are
-- if not worth it then learn from it and move on ...
-- they like you (but not more) then you found a friendship
-- they like you more than a friendship, well at this point you may found a LOVE!!
in all cases you are the winner

• Remember: Nothing will happen without some effort from you.

A good friend is cheaper than therapy | Friends, Friendship Quotes | Forward this Picture

We are friends | Friends | Forward this Picture

The only way to have a friend |
13 years ago
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13 years ago
Visit Orkut Papa for Graphics and Flash Scraps

Visit Orkut Papa for Graphics and Flash Scraps

"Spread Your Wings and Arise”

A little about women’s day for you…….:--

It all started with an international conference held in Copenhagen, Denmark way back in 1910 where the need for International Women's Day was first felt. Subsequently, the United Nation General Assembly also came to a conclusion that a day be kept especially to honor women all across the world. Women Day celebrates the achievements of women and ensures continuance of efforts towards reforms for betterment of the feminist class. It wouldn't be wrong to conclude that Women’s Day is about ensuring a society in which diversity, tolerance, safety, social justice and equality between women and men is a given. A celebration of what women have achieved, can achieve and are pursuing.

Women's Day in India :---

Women’s Day in India is celebrated on the 8th of March. India continues its participation in celebration of Women's Day. Throughout India, there is an increase in shopping activity where the focus of men revolves around purchasing the best gifts for the women in their lives. In India, Women’s Day is about ensuring that the society is just and fair to all its members including women.
Visit Orkut Papa f
13 years ago

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
13 years ago



13 years ago
Visit Orkut Papa for Graphics and Flash Scraps

Visit Orkut Papa for Graphics and Flash Scraps

Spread Your Wings and Arise”
There are times in our lives
We feel much like
A flower struggling to bloom
We go through those times
Of change and growth
Like a caterpillar in a cocoon

Nobody can see
The Lord’s hidden work
Until the day we break through
Then we can begin
To spread out our wings
And arise as butterflies do

God has a much higher
Calling for us
And wants us to rise up in Him
We can make such a difference
If we’d only realize
The potential we have within

So allow the Lord
To work in your life
To make you all you can be
So you will one day
Be able to soar
And know what it means to be ‘FREE’
A little about women’s day for you…….
It all started with an international conference held in Copenhagen, Denmark way back in 1910 where the need for International Women's Day was first felt. Subsequently, the United Nation General Assembly also came to a conclusion that a day be kept especially to honor women all across the world. Women Day celebrates the achievements of women and ensures continuance of efforts towards reforms for betterment of the feminist class. It wouldn't be wrong to conclude that Women’s Day is about ensuring a society in which diversity, tolerance, safety, social justice and equality between women and men is a given. A celebration of what women have achieved, can achieve and are pursuing.
Women's Day in India
Women’s Day in India is celebrated on the 8th of March. India co
13 years ago

...Have a Nice Day...

...Best Wish 4 U...


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