**LoVe iS NoT To sAy, bUt tO UnDeRsTaNd… lOvE Is nOt tO ShOw, bUt tO FeeL iNsIdE……. … LOvE Is nOt tO FiNd fAuLtS, BuT To mAkE ThE BeSt…… LoVe iS NoT To dEmAnD, BuT To sAcRiFiCe……………… LoVe iS NoT To hUrT, BuT To tAkE CaRe oF……………. lOvE Is nOt bLiNd, bUt iT DoEsN’T NeEd tO SeE………**LoVeLy DaY dEaR FrIeNd...hEaRtLy sAy yOu *GooD AFtER NooN*KeeP">http://friends18.com/img/smile/0202.gif" border="0"/>KeeP SmiLinGhapy to see you
">http://upic.me/i/wn/postcard012.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://dl2.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2499/2499952ebpmxp1afa.gif" border="0"/> ">http://upic.me/i/y7/sample_postcard_01.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://dl2.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2499/2499952ebpmxp1afa.gif" border="0"/> ">http://upic.me/i/rl/sample_postcard_02.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://dl2.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2499/2499952ebpmxp1afa.gif" border="0"/> ">http://upic.me/i/mf/shopdoor.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://dl2.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2499/2499952ebpmxp1afa.gif" border="0"/> HAVE A GOOD DAY ">http://dl8.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2402/2402008e1hl382bfa.gif" border="0"/> TAKE CARE
EvErYdaY, i wAiT FoR A TeXt… EvErYdaY I SeE YoU I WaIt fOr a hElLo… EvErYdaY I ChEcK My AccOunT To sEe iF YoU WrOtE On mY WaLL… EvErYdaY I TeLL mYseLF hOw mUcH YoU VaLuAbLe tO Me… EvErYdaY I FiNd mYseLF LeT DoWn… bUt eVeRyDaY I StiLL FiNd hOpE..!